Archive for the ‘What we’re looking at online’ Category

Meet Plan Go

December 13, 2011

Do you spend 10 hours a day trapped in a tiny cubicle toiling away on TPS reports or something worse? Has the morning commute become so routine you drive to work with your eyes closed? Perhaps it’s time for a career break. Ever thought about it? Looking out the windows by my cubicle at the cold and advancing gray sky certainly puts in mind that the sun must be shining somewhere. I’ve been reading through Meet Plan Go‘s website lately and fantasizing about what it would take to take some time off, lots of time. If you’re ready to cut loose and do some serious travel Meet Plan Go might be just the thing for you. They host events around the country and offer practical advice and support on how to make a career break part of your career development. 

Atom Retro (Mod Clothes)

November 13, 2011

If you’re looking for something unique for the mods on your Christmas list; you should check out Atom Retro. I was looking at their Christmas jumpers this morning. I can remember kids on my school bus wearing these back in the ’70’s. Back then we were far more concerned with being warm, than being cool. Still, nice looking sweaters.

Catherine Tate – Posh People – The Aga Saga Woman

April 9, 2011

I loved the Catherine Tate show. I think of the first clip every time I pick up my organic vegetarian eggs.

The Traveling Vegetarian – Asheville – Laughing Seed Cafe

February 26, 2011

We vacationed in Asheville NC many times when I was a kid. Jenni and I stopped by for a short visit in 1999. I had no idea they had such a thriving vegetarian community. If you have a chance, check out the Laughing Seed Cafe and tell us what you think. Here’s a review by ‘The Traveling Vegetarian,’ Yvonne Smith.


January 23, 2011

Do you want to live like a local when you travel? Do you like to become, albeit temporarily, part of the neighborhood; meeting the locals, shopping in the local shops, getting the off-the-beaten path? Of course you do. Nowadays you can do this lots ways: house-swap, couch-surf, self-cater, or hostel like they did in the old days. Travel Company, Untours offers a hybrid of many of these. A bit of independence combined with a bit of support. I’ve been getting their catalog for years now without ever trying them. They have great looking properties across Europe and a couple in the Americas. Bit pricey, but worth a look. If any of you have tried one, let us know.

Airfarewatchdog’s top 10 tips to find low airfares

November 29, 2010

It’d be great if there was one way to get a great deal on airfare. Unfortunately that’s just not the case. Like everything you have to take a little time and educate yourself. George Hobica had a some helpful tips on Airfarewatchdog.

Airfarewatchdog’s top 10 tips to find low airfares – Airfarewatchdog: “- Sent using Google Toolbar”

Travel Like a Pirate – Aruba Trip Giveaway | NileGuide

September 23, 2010

With the kids back in school and Jenni working second shift at one of our local colleges, I’ve had little time sit down and post anything lately. I did see that NileGuide had an offer to win a fee trip to Aruba. I’ve never won a free trip to anywhere, but if you’re feeling lucky, the details are below.

Travel Like a Pirate – Aruba Trip Giveaway | NileGuide: “

Wideroe Dash8 cockpit view landing at Tromsø Airport

June 21, 2010

I was listening to This Week in Travel earlier today. On the show was commercial airline pilot, Joe d’Eon of Fly with Joe and host, Jen Leo of the LA Times were talking about videos people have shot from the cockpits of commercial flights, showing take-offs and landings. I went out to YouTube and found a fair number of them. Some are pretty jumpy, as you’d expect, and might not be great viewing for those a little nervous about air travel. But if you’ve every been curious about the view from the front, they are kinda cool. Given it was in the 90’s and humid here today, I found this one particularly engaging. It shows a landing in Norway.

Seven Essential Breakfasts for the World Traveler – Slideshow – World Hum

May 22, 2010

Seven Essential Breakfasts for the World Traveler – Slideshow – World Hum

Jenni isn’t a big fan of breakfast, but I can’t seem to get started without it. As soon as I wake up in the morning, the first thought that goes through my mind is, “What’s for breakfast?” And it’s no exception when we’re traveling. There was the pain au chocolat and cup of coffee I had in a smokey Heathrow cafe on our first trip to London. The Turkish coffee I could stand a spoon in when we were staying in Budapest. The smorgasbord style buffet we had each morning at our hotel in Stockholm last fall. I remember those meals as much for the food as for what happened after they took my plate away.

Here is a link from World Hum. A great travel story website. On it they show you a few typical breakfasts from around the world. Not all are vegan or vegetarian, but that doesn’t mean you can’t change them to your liking. And remember what your mom told you, breakfast is the most important meal of the day.

Free Trip Planner and Personalized Travel Guide –

May 2, 2010

Free Trip Planner and Personalized Travel Guide –

Jenni and I are heading back to London in August. I was looking through NileGuides for some attractions we hadn’t seen before. I’ve always been a big fan of guidebooks by Arthur Frommer and Rick Steves, and of course Lonely Planet. I have many scribbled up, dog eared and highlighted copies of well used, well loved guidebooks in our spare bedroom. Nile Guides extends that concept a little bit for the 21st century. They’ve curated information from sources such as Frommer’s, Travel + Leisure, as well as content from their ‘location based writers,’ and serves it up interactively.’ Nile Guides lets you create your own guidebook based upon where you want to go and what you want to do. You can print it, share it with your friends and family, and send it to your phone. You can even book your trip through them. And, of course they have an iphone app too. Best of all, it’s free.
