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Off Peak Travel – Bermuda

February 19, 2012
Jenni and I just returned from our second trip to Bermuda. We found a great deal through Groupon, the ubiquitous coupon company. What would’ve been an out of reach vacation during Bermuda’s high season turned out to be just right for February. Sure the winds were blowing and the beaches were empty, and maybe there was just a hint of the Shining at our nearly abandoned resort, but we were on a first name basis with the staff and the pool was all ours. “Table for two, Mr. Benson?” “Why yes, Augustine, that would be lovely.” To be honest it turned out to be one of the best travel experiences that we’ve had.
Though traveling in the off season can have its ups and downs, if you’re looking for savings and you don’t mind a few inconveniences, it can’t be beat. Bermuda, might be cool in the winter, but it certainly isn’t cold by Midwestern USA standards.

We were 2 of only 15 guests staying at the sprawling Cambridge Beaches Resort and Spa. The staff did a great job making us feel welcome and provided us with topnotch and personalized service. When we checked in we were told our room had been upgraded to an ocean view suite. Though a breakfast buffet had been included in our deal, with so few guests, we were told we could order from the menu at no charge. They also seemed more than happy to have the kitchen create vegetarian meals for us.
Besides the lucky fringe benefits we received from the resort, the best part of our trip was having time to talk to Bermudians. On our way down to catch the bus to Dockyard a nice couple picked us up and gave us a lift. After asking us where we were from, the woman told us she was heading to Chicago for a conference in a couple weeks. She asked me what the weather would be like. She was afraid it would be too cold. I recommended she purchase a coat. Then while waiting to catch the ferry to Hamilton, Jenni and I hung out in the visitor’s center talking to the woman who worked there. She was a friendly, part time gospel singer when she wasn’t selling souvenirs. She shared a whole slew of information about island life and a healthy amount of gossip as well. And it was like that time and time again. 
Though this was just a short getaway; we had a great time relaxing in Bermuda. We putted on our lonely putting-green, took afternoon tea, walked down the low walled lanes of Somerset village, and meandered around Hamilton to our heart’s content. We also took advantage of the Cambridge Beaches Spa and had our share of rum swizzles beneath the clouds. It was a nice off-peak break.
Highlights: juice n’ beans – vegetarian restaurant in Hamilton. The Frog and Onion Pub – Pub grub in Dockyard. Fort Scaur, one of Bermuda’s many forts, along the Railway Trail.
Resources: Moon Guide: Bermuda, Rosemary Jones

Culture Fairs

December 13, 2011

I joined the PTO at the boys’ elementary school earlier this year. They’re always looking for people and I thought it’d fun to be a bit more involved.

In November we hosted a multicultural fair. Stevenson Elementary is surprisingly diverse considering its size and each year the school holds a culture fair to celebrate that diversity. There are parents and students from nearly every continent, and many of them volunteer to host rooms.

We had rooms dedicated to: India, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, China, Brazil, Ireland, Italy, Jordan, Native America, Russia, Vietnam, and Sweden. (Though not officially a Swede, I felt Jenni and I could at least represent.) Each room had crafts, clothes, activities and most importantly food. As the kids and their parents entered the school, each child was issued a passport like you see on the right. After a presentation in the gym and some music, the kids took their passports to each room to have them stamped, have a snack and maybe do the activities. It was a great way for the kids to be exposed to cultures from around the world. There was clog dancing in the gym, henna tattooing in the cafeteria, and a virtual world tour in the library.

Living in a university town we have a lot of culture fairs and international festivals, but I’d have to say this was one of the best I’ve attended. The best thing about it was having parents volunteer and participate at the school. If you’re more of a stay at home traveler, which we’ve become lately, this is a great way to share your knowledge and bring a bit of the world home.

Fitz and The Tantrums – MoneyGrabber

November 13, 2011

Vegan Beer Brats

September 5, 2011

Summer might be on the wane, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to put away the grill. Football season is right around the corner. Whether you’re getting in that last summer cook-out or tailgating before gametime, Turtle Island’s beer brats are a fantastic way to enjoy an old favorite. I picked these up at Naturally Yours, our local health food store. I couldn’t believe how good they tasted. Made with “‘Full Sail Ale’ and real tofu,” the brats are certified vegan and taste delicious.

TBEX ’10 New York City Here We Come!

February 7, 2010

We just got our tickets for Travel Blog Exchange ’10 in New York City, June 26th and 27th.  Can’t wait to meet other travel bloggers and attend the workshops.  Even though we’ve traveled out of the country many times, we’ve never been to NYC.  I’m really looking forward to the conference and finally seeing the city!

TBEX ’10 NYC 6/26/2010 – 6/27/2010

A Good Quote from Henry Miller

September 27, 2009

“One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things.” – Henry Miller

Hello world!

August 19, 2009

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!